This place some how escaped me. I though it had been closed down for awhile but I guess that was just a couple of weeks for remodeling. Now it is open. So I went there and learned it was a kosher place. One of the few that isn't obviously kosher. This has now been my 4th kosher pizza, along with Shalom Pizza, Pizza Mayven, and La Pizza. Of course there are many more.
I ordered a medium, 14 inch cheese pizza for 13 dollars. It looked pretty good. A little greasy but thats good. The crust was crispy on the outside but not too crispy on the bottom. It had a nice puff to it and was a little charred. Overall the crust was a little on the thick and gooey side but had a pretty good taste. It had a cornmeal bottom. The cheese was pretty typical, it had a good amount of it and was lightly browned.
The main problem here was the sauce, or the lack of it. The cheese melted almost directly to the dough. The little sauce that was there, dried up almost completely and just left you with some good cheesy bread. It wasn't too dry of a pizza it just didn't have near enough sauce or sauce flavor.
It seems like a fun place to go and bring the kids. There is some kind of food for everyone, they do it all, from pizza to Mexican food and Jewish food as well. I'd stick to the Jewish food, although Canters is down the street. All I know is there is a pretty good Mexican spot right next door so I'd skip that too. The pizza, was average. As far as kosher pizza goes, La Pizza (kosher) beats it by a mile.
365 S. Farifax Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036
Price: $$

I love this piza . i want to eat this piza :P hmmm yammmmmmmiii