Well for all the pizza that exists on Hollywood Blvd. I couldn't do it all on one lunch. I had to go back and the first place I went was Venice Pizza & Deli. This was an interesting place, very nondescript place with Dairy Queen type booths and a big screen TV from 1990 in the back. A lovely lady took my order who seemed like she might be from a country that knows pizza. I had to order 2 cheese slices to cover the charge minimum. They don't deliver, and they don't have big slices thankfully. The pizza tasted similar to how the place looked a bit bland and unoriginal, but it was pizza its hard to not enjoy. The crust was thin and the sauce wasn't too bad. The cheese was a little thin and dried up a bit lacking that cheesy orange-white look. It wasn't the worst on this Boulevard.
Just a block away was another small place that looked like a pleasant little village hut, called Pizza Al Forno Inside it looked just like a regular pizza joint. This pizza was definitely different from most other pizza. It was of course a big slice but if you had ordered a whole pizza I suppose it wouldn't have been half bad. I looked ridiculous walking down the street trying to eat this gigantic slice. It was heavy with everything, lots of cheese, sauce and a thicker doughier crust. I couldn't finish the crust just too much of it. The sauce was probably the best part, it had a decent taste. This pizza was alright it just had too much of everything for me.
There are a couple other place on Hollywood Blvd. that I skipped over but it will have to wait till later.
Venice Pizza & Deli - 6601 Hollywood Blvd 90028
Price: $$
Pizza Al Forno - 6541 Hollywood Blvd 90028
Price: $$

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