This is your standard pizza, at least around here. All over are small chains that have cheap pizza. Cheap in price and in quality. They all have similar tastes in the sauce and similar textures in the crust. They all can probably be compared to Domino's/PizzaHut/PapaJohn's because of price and availability. Though I'm sure the owner will disagree.
Though the owner should know, I feel this is one of the better pizza's in this category that I have had.
On a side note, Ciccero's gives you 2 large 14'' pizzas for about $18. It's the classic buy 1 pizza get a second free deal. I hate that deal almost more than I hate the big slice. It is just another example of a business getting you to drop more money on something you don't need. If there is a party where you need two pizza's it is great deal I admit. But if there is just a couple people and you only need one pie, you can't get it. I ordered one pizza not knowing they had this deal, I showed up and they gave me two. I told them I only ordered one but they said they don't make just one. At that point they already had made it so I took it and gave it away. If I had gotten just one which is what I wanted, I would have paid 18 dollars and that is a big time rip off.
Anyway, back to the pizza. Yes it was cheap. The crust was dense and cake-y with a slight crisp on the outside. The sauce and cheese were a lower quality grade. However the sauce had a tasty, pure tomato flavor. Slightly sweet with faintest taste of spices. There was a lot of cheese on it as you can expect from a place like this, but there was also a lot of sauce to compete with the cheese. So at the same time that it was excessive it was balanced, if that makes any sense. They actually took the pizza out mid cook to put more cheese on the sparse spots. As well as push the bubbling crust down, which I didn't understand.
It wasn't a great pizza. But when you walk into a place like this you kind of have to expect what you are getting and for what you are getting it is satisfying and cheap as long as there are 4 plus people joining in.
Ciccero's Pizza
1536 S. La Cienega Blvd. (reviewed loc.)
11651 W. Pico Blvd.
Price: 1 pizza $$$ 2 pizza's $

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