It's called Big Mama's because they make a pizza so big that you could hide underneath it. They also have big slices, which I avoid. This is a chain and you can probably find at least one in every town within LA. It is my go-to pizza spot, because there is one across the street and it is cheap. You can pick up a large cheese for 10 dollars. Is it the best pizza? No. Is it something I would drive half way across town for? No. Pizza is a food of convenience, and I realize that most of the time, you will settle for a mediocre pizza place that is down the street rather than an unbelievable place downtown.
Anyway, that being said, I will describe the pizza for those of you who have not had it. The crust is a little thicker than your typical NY slice. The outer rim is dense bread that if overcooked like this one was, becomes a little dry and tough to eat. The sauce is a tangy sweet sauce with good tasting cheese. The overall flavor of the pizza is a lot different that most; it has a very salty and oily taste, which is probably what makes it so desirable. I think the crust is generally crispy and the pizza has a good taste. If this is the only pizza place near you, well then you don't have it so bad.

I love the visual of you hiding under a giant pizza... Somehow it doesn't seem at all out of place. :)