Today I'm giving you 2 posts because for one, I ate at 2 places, and also I didn't write anything yesterday. So there you go. Across from Cheebo is a place called Rainforest Cafe. This place has a little of everything but, like Cheebo, specializes in pizza. They have slices pre-made warming on a turning tray. So the slices could sometimes not be so fresh and they won't necessarily warm it in the oven for you unless you specify. They charge you a little much too, $3.50 for one, it's a bigger than average slice but not a "big slice". The whole pies are much more reasonably priced, in fact cheap. I got a slice of cheese today and it wasn't too fresh. It is also the kind of pizza you need to eat fresh. It doesn't stay fresh long; it cools down and gets rubbery real quick. The other main thing about it is, they have sesame seeds on the crust, making the outer edge look like a bagel.

At first I found the sesame seed crust a bit weird but the quality of the slices here made me overlook it. I now LOVE this place. The pizza is great, a damned sight better than some of the poop parlors that get three, four and even five slice ratings here. The atmosphere is perfect for a meeting with a friend or writing partner over lunch. It's never too busy during the day and feels like a bit of a "hidden gem." The staff are all great, friendly guys too. Awesome.