Rocket Lounge seems like it is trying to be what its name suggests, a lounge. A cool place to hang out, watch sports, drink beer and eat pizza, but to do all that in style. I'm not sure if the TV's play sports actually, they seemed to be playing music videos from some special request type system. Which I am all for, we need more music videos in our lives. What I am saying is it is not a sports bar, it is a lounge. It is in a pretty happening corner on 4th and Spring streets, though it closes by midnight so no after drinking pizza binges. This place tries to play up its fancy-cool with out trying attitude. I don't think they really pull it off, but whatever it is just a place lets get to the pizza already.
I got a 16 inch for $12, which isn't a bad price. (I take back what I say in the video about the price) It appears to have a a razor thin crust which would lead you to believe it is crispy. The fact is the outer edge is actually thinner than the center, which is strange. The outer edge where it was the thinnest did get quite crispy but the bottom was just doughy and a little soggy. The sauce was different, it had a subtle creamy flavor to it. It was put on light, as was the cheese, both of which blended well together and seemed to work as a team. It was a little oily but thats o.k. I wished the crust had been a little thinner and crispier in the middle, I think it would be a world of difference.
The pizza had been waiting for me when I came to pick it up so perhaps the boxed in heat had something to do with the consistency of it. I'd be willing to try it again, because it was different enough. Though I wasn't that impressed with my first time, I expected more from a place that gave the impression that they know how to do it right.
Here's a video of my excursion downtown. It includes Pizza Go, Rocket Pizza, Pizza Next Door

122 W. 4th St. Downtown 90013
213-687-PIZZA (4992)
Price: $$

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