To remind myself how dedicated I was to trying new pizza, I drove from Hollywood to Highland Park just for pizza. I went to a little place called Folliero's that I had heard a lot about. Highland Park isn't that far really, as long as the pizza is good, and it was. This was a small, old-timey kind of place, actually it is literally old time, it has been there since 1968. You can see them making the pizza in the window. It was kind of dark inside, but inviting. I got a large 16 inch pizza, which I think was 11 dollars, crazy cheap. Just cheese of course. I'll tell you, when I opened the box it looked really good.

I have to throw out a warning though, don't try and eat it while driving, it is a very sloppy pie. There is a lot of oil that makes the cheese slide all over the place. I prefer a little oil however, whether it is from the sauce or the cheese, it adds to the flavor. Speaking of flavor, it all came from the sauce, one of the best sauces I've had out here. It was sweet and light and fresh tasting. Perhaps it was a little too light and runny and thats what caused a sloppy pizza. The crust was very crispy on the outside as you can see from the charred marks in the picture. It went from a very thin and crispy bottom to the very big doughy outer edge. While the outer edge was still crispy on the outside, it was light and doughy on the inside. There wasn't any middle ground. Extreme crisp covering basically bread. While I liked the center area of the crust, I found that the edge got to be overwhelming. It was a large area and it was very bready. Though a light bread in density I couldn't finish the crust. The taste was great though. If I was eating at a restaurant and they brought out a basket of fresh bread, I would hope it would be like the crust of this pizza, but for a pizza it was too much, I just wanted to get back to the sauce.
All in all though, bready or not, the crust was fairly well done, the sauce was excellent and the cheese, well, it was there. I'd say a solid pizza pie that I wouldn't drive 20 miles for but would wish it was down the street.
But thats my opinion, like the lovely Folliero's girl says, "some people love it some people don't." Each pizza is unique and this one was definitely its own beast, and I am glad to have tried it.
Folliero's - 5566 N. Figueroa St. Highland Park 90042
Price: $